martedì 13 febbraio 2024

Monster Treasure for Cairn! V-W

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure.

Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of treasure occupies one slot and is worth 100gp. Relics are invaluable.

Roll before the encounter happens, cause some of the treasure may be of use to the NPCs.



  • Skeleton, headless, sitting lifeless against a wall

  • Wooden coffin on the floor, closed by red laces. Contents:

    • Skull: Upon opening the coffin, it will attempt to roll toward the rest of its body. If successful, the skeleton will come to un-life and face the thieves.

    • Dirt

    • Very small ruby (small, 700 gp)

    • 200 gp

    • A vial of blood, labeled "man-bat." Anyone contaminated with it turns into a hybrid being. They become blind but can use echolocation. Their size does not allow them to fly, but they can glide thanks to wing membranes. (small, 1 use)

  • A desk against the west wall, painted with gold details (needs 2 people to transport, value 100 gp)

    • In the right drawer: paper, inkwell, pen, and many depraved poems about flesh and blood (worth 50 gp to an unscrupulous editor)

    • In the left drawer: Hypnotist's Pendulum, and notes on how to use it. If you can get the target to focus on the pendulum, and they fail a WIL Save, you will be able to hypnotize them. The hypnotized character will automatically perform a series of actions in response to a specific password, by whomever it is spoken. They will come back to their senses when they hear the password a second time, with no memory of what they did. Recharge: spend a whole night chanting the same word into the pendulum over and over.

  • An upholstered chair, lined with red satin (bulky, value 30 gp).

  • Leaning against the chair, a red silk dressing gown with golden embroideries (50 gp)

Veteran (d6)

1-2. Poleaxe (bulky, d10 damage, ignores armor but completely misses on a roll of 1-3, value 25 gp)

3-4. Bow and arrows (20 gp) and one broad-headed bolt (d6 damage, wound: automatic failure against the Critical Damage Save, value 1 gp)

5-6. Technique: Battle Experience. If at least 3 combatants are on each side of a fight, your attacks are enhanced. If someone defeats you during this kind of fight, they acquire this technique.



Spellbook: Manse. A sturdy, furnished cottage appears for 12 hours. You can permit and forbid entry to it at will.


  • Gravestone Chip. You and everyone you touch can teleport to the location of the gravestone. The chip stays wherever you teleported from though.
  • Golden crown (100 gp)

martedì 16 gennaio 2024

Monster treasure for Cairn! R-T

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure.

Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of treasure occupies one slot. Relics and other powerful items are invaluable.

Roll before the encounter happens, cause some of the treasure may be useful to the NPCs. 

Rat, giant


  • 600 gp
  • Something from the gnome treasure table
  • Broken drum (1 gp)
  • A chewed-on book about rodents, illegible (1 gp)
  • A chewed leather coat (1 gp)



  • Rhagodessa web: extremely fine but sturdy, can be sold as decoration (100 gp)
  • A flea-infested waggy-tailed friend who was about to become dinner
  • Diamond of excellent quality (30k gp)


Nest: Roc Egg, bejeweled (6 slots. 1.5k gp)

Rock Baboon

Whipping around some Devil’s Tongue, a kind of plant: the stem is safe but the leaves cause horrible blisters when touched. DEX save or one of your hand slots is taken by Blisters. STR Save at the end of each subsequent day to heal.

Salamander, Flame


  • 200 gp
  • Three gold ingots (10 gp each, 1 slot for all three) 
  • Big Lens (bulky): given time, it can redirect and focus the sun rays and burn something at a distance

Salamander, Frost


  • Two ice sculptures each representing a jumping reindeer (2 people needed to transport each one, 500 gp each one, slowly melt in the sun)
  • In a trapped iron chest (trap: when touched, the chest freezes, leaving your hand stuck. If unstuck abruptly, the hand is Injured and unable to hold objects. The injury takes the hand slot and needs downtime to heal):
    • Warhammer (2d8, bulky, wound: opponent is pushed away if their STR is lower than yours)
    • Fur-trimmed pouch (25 gp). Inside, a small sapphire (small, 300 gp) 
    • Snow leopard fur coat (100 gp)



  • Leather belt (5 gp).
  • Fur-trimmed gloves (25 gp)
  • Lantern (8 gp)
  • Inside a leather backpack (10 gp):
    • A fork with some arcane inscriptions. Can turn anything into edible food, but doesn’t improve the taste
    • Bottle of vin santo (fills d10 cups, value 2d10 gp)
    • Jar with coffee grounds (1 slot, d10 uses, restores 1 WIL, value d10 gp)
    • Lantern oil (2 gp)


A corpse holding a sack containing:

  • 100 gp
  • Potion labeled with a horseshoe picture (small): it’s a Centaur potion! Your lower half turns into that of a horse for a few hours. You have a fast sprint, can carry 15 slots’ worth of objects with saddlebags (a rider and their worn equipment take 9 slots), and can trample for d8 damage. 1in6 chances the potion’s gone bad and your upper half turns instead.



  • A small self-rowing solar ship that can sail on sand dunes but sinks in the water. Powered by the sun, it only works in the daytime, and holds up to 8 people. Frescos in the lair show its miraculous properties in action.
    • Inside, an empty golden sarcophagus (6 slots, 1k gp)

Sprite (d4)

  1. Cure Potion: heal d6 STR or cure some other ailment (Injury, Blisters, etc.) but not Curses.
  2. Scroll: Quicksand. A small designated area nearby turns into quicksand. A character walking or standing on it gets stuck and has 3 rounds to attempt something before sinking completely. If lower floors are present, they fall through the ceiling taking d12 damage.
  3. Sprite Dance. An irritating dance that focuses all the attention on the performer (CHA save in risky situations). Can be taught in about a week.
  4. Prank: booby-trapped box. When opened shoots a glittery pink dust that sticks. Takes a week to get it off.



  • Five sacks of gold coins (500 gp)
  • Wooden statue of a woman smiling creepily, surrounded by crying kids. The Maggot Mother will telepathically offer the first person to touch her idol to “take care of her babies”. If you accept, one of your hand slots is infested with a swarm of Greedy Grubs (see below).

Greedy Grubs:
  • Every morning there’s a 2in6 chance the population grows and occupies a new slot in your inventory.
  • You can then move a slot of grubs in your inventory, except the ones in your arm, to a target you touch, an object of any material or a creature (DEX Save to avoid).
  • They cause d8 STR damage as they devour the target from the inside and burst out as Glutto Gnats.

Trader (d4, reroll until the same result comes up twice)
  1. Snout, a dog that smells lies - starts barking whenever one is told (6 hp, 5 STR, 16 CHA, d4 bite)
  2. Relic: Mask of Many Faces. Allows you to change features at will. Recharge: stage a public play while wearing the mask.
  3. Three smoke bombs (blinds for 1 round)
  4. Bounty: if captured alive, fetches 100gp


  • Something from the gnome treasure table
  • High Priest's tunic, with serpentine buttons (100 gp)
  • Silver thurible (100 gp)

Troll: large sack switch 200 gp and small amethyst (small, 50 gp)

Tyrannosaurus Rex:

Lair, encased in permanent ice:
  • Rock armor: bulky, armor 1, you look like a boulder if you curl into a ball
  • Bolas: DEX save to avoid getting caught.
  • Pouch with Oracle Bones. When asked a question and cast, arrange into a shape related to the answer. Can’t predict the future. Recharge: bathe in starlight.

venerdì 29 dicembre 2023

Monster treasure for Cairn! N-P

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure.

Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of treasure occupies one slot. Relics and other powerful items are invaluable.

Roll before the encounter happens, cause some of the treasure may be useful to the NPCs. 


1-2. Bracelet of eagle talons (50 gp)

3-4. Cape made with feathers of some turkey-like bird considered extinct (2k gp)

5-6. Relic: Dreamcatcher. 50% chance every night that it catches a wandering spell. You can tell when it caught one but you won’t know which one until you cast it (roll d100 on the spellbook table the moment it’s cast). It can only hold one spell at a time.

7-8. Wooden bowl containing pigment for cave painting (3gp)

9-10. Large piece of amber (small, 500 gp)

Nixie (d4)

  1. Large crystal goblet, crafted through magic to create incredible shapes (300 gp)
  2. Small green waterproof jerkin (5 gp) 
  3. 200 gp
  4. Small turquoise (small, 1 gp)


Count Exubery (cuirass armor 2, 11 hp, 7 STR, 13 DEX, 13 CHA, crystal rapier d10) is a master of using the rapier. Every time he’s impressed by an adventure or love story involving the narrator, he will offer to teach one of his techniques. Obviously, a rapier is necessary: a rapier takes 1 slot, deals d8 damage, and costs 20 gp

Exubery uses a legendary Crystal Rapier (d10 damage, but it breaks if you take STR damage from an attack, or if you roll a 1 for your attack)

Rapier techniques (take Fatigue each time you use one)

  • Feint: roll your attack a second time and consider the highest die.
  • Deflect: negate the damage from a single die if you roll higher with your rapier's die (if multiple dice are rolled and you negated the highest, consider the 2nd highest for damage)
  • Flurry: damage is BLAST



  • Couch (needs 2 people to transport, 200 gp) and four cushions (25 gp each) all covered by a rich fabric
    • Inside each cushion, there are 100 gp
  • Carved wooden cabinet (6 slots, 100 gp), Contains…
    • Illustrated book, a collection of fables in the nomads’ language. The illustrations animate magically when it’s read aloud.
    • Small wooden lacquered box with golden details (50 gp)
      • Inside, three leaves of Soporiphic Tea: A cup containing one leaf of this tea will make you feel extremely relaxed. Two leaves will cause a deep sleep for a few hours. Three leaves will induce a catatonic state, indistinguishable from death, for 24h



Large sack with 400 gp

Scattered through the lair:

  • 1.5k gp
  • Some broken stone idol of a waistcloth-wearing, bipedal creature with claws. The head is missing (bulky, 50 gp)
  • Huge club (bulky, d8 damage, stun an opponent for a round on a roll of 7+) 
  • A large bronze brooch depicting a rose, looks ancient (1k gp)
  • A bit of Gelid Mint grows here, surrounded by cold air and snow regardless of the season. If you eat it, for a few hours you gain the ability to freeze a nearby target with your breath. A creature takes d6 DEX damage from the attack and is frozen at 0 DEX. Restores d6 DEX when exposed to strong heat.


Individual (d6)

1-2. Iron ring (small, 50 gp)

3-4. Eye-patch (1 gp)

5-6. Monstrous iron mask (50 gp)


  • Wheel of stinky cheese (bulky, 6 gp, smell attracts attention)
  • Jar of live snails (orcs like to eat them with the whole shell as a snack, 2 gp)
  • Sack with various types of nuts (bulky, 6 gp)
  • Crunchy crackers (1 meal, 1 slot, 2 gp)
  • Some black, three-pointed Cerberus Chili (small, 3 uses, CHA save to resist if eaten, 9 gp)



  • Fluorescent mushroom, still goes for a few hours after being plucked. If eaten, it still emits light from your belly (small)
  • Food pellet: owlbears’ are as big as a basketball. Human bones can be noticed from the outside. If opened, are found:
    • 10 gp
    • Golden pin depicting a stylized eye - the symbol represents the cult of the Third Eye, who worship the Mind Gorgers and consume the Pychoboosting Drugs. If you wear it, you might be mistaken for a fellow member (small, 200 gp)

Pirate: same as a buccaneer, why are there even 2 types

Pixie (d4)

  1. Scroll of Hex: target fails all Saving Throws
  2. Pot with mandrake plant, (bulky, labeled: mandrake, don’t pluck). When plucked, starts crying and screaming, causing d6 STR damage BLAST to anyone who hears it. Covering your ears prevents this, and the mandrake stops once it’s put in the pot again
  3. Potion of Colorful Hair: the color of your hair changes with every sip. d8: 1 Red, 2 Orange,  3 Yellow, 4 Green, 5 Light blue,  6 Blue, 7 Purple, 8 Pink. Three sips available, then the color is permanent.
  4. Small moonstone (small, 50 gp)

Purple Worm


  • 200 gp
  • Barrel of stout beer (bulky, 100 gp)
  • Lacquered box (25 gp) containing a silver diadem (100 gp)

lunedì 25 dicembre 2023

Monster treasure for Cairn! H-M

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure.

Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of treasure occupies one slot. Relics and other powerful items are invaluable.

Roll before the encounter happens, cause some of the treasure may be useful to the NPCs. 



Relic: Animated Rope, answers simple commands from its owner. An old halfling woman who makes them, Lina Heartweaver, lives on the outskirts of the halfling’s village. The process requires a few hairs from the one who wants to own the rope.


  • Tailor’s house: Silk fabric (1 slot, 100 gp)
  • Doctor’s house: set of alchemical tools. Kettles, vials, a tank, etc. (bulky, 50 gp), as well as the necessary materials and recipe to create a salve that accelerates tissue regeneration (restore d6 STR when applied, takes a whole day to make one). The main ingredient is a Giant Blood Salamander’s tail. They can be found in ponds nearby and caught using pieces of bloody meat as bait.
  • Mayor’s house:
    • Big maple dining table (25 gp, needs 4 people or a wagon to transport)
    • Leather padded armchair (100 gp, needs 2 people or a vehicle to transport)



  • 400 gp
  • Large zircon (small,500 gp)
  • Silver goblet (100 gp)
  • Brass scroll case. Inside, the map to a buried chest
  • Bronze key (opens buried chest)

Buried chest: 100 gp and Spellbook: Summon Hawk. A hawk appears, ready to answer your commands. 5 hp, 2 STR, 15 DEX, talons (d4)


  • Big bone (d6 damage)
  • Relic: Devil Shield (armor 1, fire attacks impaired). Painted, a dancing devil on a bright red background.
  • Iron chest, locked, trapped. A flame bursts out when opened, causing d10 direct damage (ignore hp). Inside there are 150 gp.
  • Cattle goad (bulky, d6 damage, 10 gp)



  • Face armor mask with topaz in the middle of the forehead (no armor bonus, value 3k gp)
  • Glaive with ornate handle and hilt (d10 damage, bulky, value 100 gp)


  • A library with various scrolls, containing a philosophical essay about the merits of Law, written in the hobgoblin's tongue (30 scrolls, 5 per slot, 300 gp for the complete work from a sage)
  • Barrel of rare wine  (bulky, 100 gp)


Lair, in a huge stone chest:

  • Aquamarine (small, 500 gp)
  • 1k gp
  • A book about ancient myths of Gods, Semi-Gods and Heroes. Badly damaged. (1 gp)

Killer Bee

Hive: Magic Honey (heals d4 STR when eaten, 1 use, 1 slot)


Small mace in the shape of a paw (d6 damage, 10 gp)


Scroll: Call Lightning (causes d10 damage BLAST, can only be used outside, enhanced during a storm)


Worn: Leather belt decorated by a skull (13 gp)

Lair, locked in a trapped iron chest (see below):

  • Liquid Memory (potion, labeled): for a few minutes, you can recall any memory perfectly, as if you were still there. This also means that you can cast spells that you already read in the past from memory, without having to read the Spellbook
  • An old book about Astrology and Numerology (300 gp)
  • Incomplete map of a dungeon, and how to reach it


  • A nasty poisoned dart that induces immediate flesh necrosis (d4 damage ignoring hp. Wound: permanent injury)
  • Permanent Injury: takes up 1 random body or hand slot.
  • The damage received by the dart is dealt to the max STRength rather than the current STRength

Lurker Above

On the ground, under the lurker: 1 sack of coins (100 gp) or a zircon (small, 100 gp)

Lizard, giant

Partially covered by creepers, a large stone statue of some reptile god (200 gp, needs a vehicle to be carried)

At its feet, an urn. If opened, a venomous animal comes scurrying outside, trying to inject their venom one last time before dying (d20 STR damage, a bitten survivor develops immunity to all poisons and venoms. See below to determine the animal's nature)

Venomous animal d10:

1-2. Lizard

3-4. Toad

5-6. Centipede

7-8. Scorpion

9-10. Snake

The other 4 are dead in the urn

Lizard man (d6)

1-2. 30 gp 

3-4. Painkiller (Pollen burnt and inhaled. Forgo all Critical Damage or Morale Saves for a few hours. May cause addiction. 1 dose)

5-6. Small stone rotating calendar that shows the relative position of the constellations, according to the time of year (100 gp)

Addiction (trigger warning: drug abuse, death): Roll a die every time you use the drug, step up the die each time d4->d6->d8, etc up to d12 and see the effect below

1-4. You don't suffer after-effects

5-7. Addicted. you're deprived if you don't use 1nce/day. A PC can get rid of this effect passing  STR save at the end of a whole session spent without using.

8+ Overdose: take the amount rolled as STR damage

Lycanthrope (d4)

  1. Wooden comb (5 gp)
  2. Two sacks of coins: 200 gp
  3. Relic: Longstriding Boots. Walk in a single step the distance that would normally take you hours. Recharge: walk in the boots for a whole day without stopping.
  4. Unholy Book. Contains the teachings of a cult that preaches de-evolution and sees lycanthropy as a gift (50 gp to a member of the cult but it’s banned in most places)

Mastodon: each tusk occupies 6 slots and fetches 250 gp 


Relic: Revealing Eye. A glass eye that allows the wearer to pick up the slightest facial expression, revealing the true emotions of whoever’s in front of them



  • Petrified princess, Marmoria XX
  • A basket full of petrified human body parts. At the bottom, you can find Spellbook: Snake Scout (see below)
  • Coffer containing 200 gp

Spellbook: Snake Scout. One body part of your choice turns into a snake that you can control at a distance (11 hp, 3 STR, 14 DEX, 0 CHA). It functions as if it were still attached to your body: hands can grab, eyes can see, ears can hear etc. You lose your body part if it’s killed.


Transporting some mounts to sell… (d6, see below for mount rules)

1-2. Four Vikingoats. 1 armor, 3 hp, 16 STR, headbutt (d10, requires charge) (value 100 gp each)

  • Big goats with a heavily cacified dome, that makes their head look like a horned helmet.
  • Adapted to mountainous areas, they’re used as mounts, or for their milk
  • Special movement: don't suffer any movement malus while traversing mountains

3-4. A single Dragonette, muzzled and heavily restrained. 2 armor, 10 hp, firey breath (d10 damage in melee) (value 400 gp) 

  • A bipedal, flightless dragon, bred for battle.
  • It’s harder to create a bond with them: the bond score works differently (1-2 defiant, 3-5 ride, 6 attack)
  • Special movement: long standing jumps

5-6. Four “Mightylegs”. 1 armor, 5 hp, 14 DEX, bite (d8 damage) (value 100 gp each)

  • Big flightless birds used as mounts, for their meat, or their eggs
  • Their beak delivers a powerful bite
  • Special movement: sprints

  • They can carry 15 slots’ worth of objects, or one rider and their equipment
  • They don’t normally grant a movement bonus on long distances, but they might benefit from special movement
  • You need to have bonded with them at a certain level to ride them and control them

  • Roll d6 at the end of a session where you bonded with a creature in some way (traveled together, fed them, gave them a pet name…)
  • If you roll higher than the current bond score, raise it by 1 and unlock new ways to control the mount
  • If the creature is neglected or mistreated, lower the bond score by 1 at the end of the session instead

Bond score (start from 1) and powers
1. Defiant: the creature resists being ridden and may try to escape at this stage
2-3. Ride: the creature lets you ride it
4-6. Attack: the creature can perform an attack while you ride it

Merman (d6)

1-3. Two sacks of coins (200 gp)

4. Bottle of fermented algae drink (100 gp)

5. Three ink bombs (blind all targets in an area for 1 round underwater)

6. Clamshell with a sharp edge, merfolk’s version of a knife (15 gp)

Mind Gorger (squid-faced psychic wizard, d6):

1-2. Tunic with black pearl buttons (500 gp)

3-4. Spellbook: Heat Up. A nearby object of your choice heats up. If held, it’s dropped. Flammable objects catch fire.

5-6. Drug to boost up psychic powers for a few minutes (small bottle containing 3d4 pills, may cause addiction, see below). If you don’t already have psychic powers, you gain the following while under the effect instead:

Psychic powers. Like spellbooks, you take Fatigue when you use them, and you can Save vs WIL to try to enhance their power

  • Mind attack: d8 WIL damage to a target nearby
  • Mind domination: 1 target nearby is under your control, for a few seconds. They get a WIL save to negate
  • Telekinesis: move at a distance one object of a size that you could hold in your hands

Addiction (trigger warning: drug abuse, death): Roll a die every time you use the drug, step up the die each time d4->d6->d8, etc up to d12 and see the effect below

1-4. You don't suffer after-effects

5-7. Addicted. you're deprived if you don't use 1nce/day. A PC can get rid of this effect passing a STR save at the end of a whole session spent without using.

8+ Overdose: take the amount rolled as STR damage


Scattered around the labyrinth:

  • Thirty gold ingots (10 gp each, five fit in a slot)
  • An urn covered in arcane writings. If opened, it frees a spectre (see below). The jar can be used again to seal other incorporeal creatures that touch it (a DEX save applies)
  • Brick fountain (this is not treasure, I just think it’s neat to find a fountain in a labyrinth)
  • Small pearl on the ground (small, 50 gp)

Spectre 4 hp, 14 DEX, N/A WIL (mindless), spirit drain (melee, d8 WIL damage permanent) 

  • Immune to mundane attacks
  • The spectre attacks the character with the lowest WIL that is closest to it
  • If the target’s WIL gets drained completely, it dies and raises as a second spectre



  • 100 gp
  • Golden khopesh (d6 damage, value 100 gp)
  • Fine linen clothes (50 gp)

venerdì 22 dicembre 2023

Monster treasure for Cairn! D-G

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure.

Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of treasure occupies one slot. Relics and other powerful items are invaluable.

Roll before the encounter happens, cause some of the treasure may be useful to the NPCs. 

(d4, reroll until you roll the same result twice): 

1. Rich clothes (50 gp) and turban (50 gp)

2. Golden bangles (1 slot, 100 gp)

3. A sack of gold coins (100 gp)

4. Two sacks of gold coins (200 gp)

Doppelganger: whatever it stole from the person it is posing as

Dragon, young 

Lair, in a pile:

  • 700 gp
  • 20 gold ingots (5 per slot and 10 gp each)
  • Golden scepter (200 gp)
  • Golden gauntlets (300 gp) (no armor bonus)

Dragon, mature


Hung on the wall, is a large tapestry depicting a natural scene according to the dragon’s color (black: swamp, blue: plains, etc). In a Gold Dragon’s lair, the tapestry depicts one of their kind, flying between white clouds in a blue sky, surrounded by various species of birds. (Bulky, value 200 gp)

In a pile:

  • Small opal (small, 500 gp)
  • 600 gp
  • 10 gold ingots (5 per slot and 10 gp each)
  • Golden candelabrum (200 gp)
  • Relic: Earthbreaker (hammer, d8 damage. When striking the ground, it creates a fissure. All targets in a line have to make a DEX save or fall inside, taking d6 damage and normally requiring a whole round to climb out, if able. Structures take d10 damage and the rubble falling causes d8 damage BLAST to people nearby. This power can only be used if the wielder’s current STRength is 14 or more)

Dragon, old


Massive marble statue of the legendary knight “Silver” Luna, who slayed many werewolves and vampires in her time (1.5k gp, massive: can’t be transported through normal means)

Mostly scattered on a big walnut table (big, needs at least a wagon to be transported, 200 gp):

  • Large diamond (small, 10k gp)
  • 3k gp
  • A chain necklace made with rings of many different metals (small, 100 gp) 
  • A huge tome narrating the epic stories of the Metallic Knights: “Silver” Luna, “Golden” Flair who wielded the Sun Blade, “Copper” Leon who fought an army bare-handed, and others. Some pages are missing or otherwise damaged (bulky, 300 gp)

Dragon Turtle


  • 300 gp
  • A waxed leather pouch containing 2 pearls, 1 large (small, 500 gp) and 1 medium (small, 200 gp)
  • Something from the buccaneer treasure table

Driver Ant:


  • Gold nuggets of various dimensions:
    • The biggest one takes up 4 slots and is worth 200 gp
    • The second biggest takes up 1 slot and it’s worth 50 gp
    • There's a small nugget worth 20 gp
    • A bunch of other small ones that individually are worth less than 1gp but together can fill one slot and fetch another 50 gp



Branches: When its dryad dies, the tree produces a single fruit, with a strong smell and peculiar appearance. Whoever eats it gains a strong link with nature: they can communicate with animals, rivers, and plants. They only need sunlight and water to survive, but they’re deprived in the absence of sunlight. When they rest in a forest, they can restore all of their stats.


  • 500 gp
  • d6 Funnyroots: a fungus that grows among a dryad’s roots and looks like a chubby smiling face. Eating this fungus makes you high. (small)

High: restore d6 WIL but hp drops to 0 and all DEX saves fail until you sleep it off

Dwarf (d4):

  1. 200 gp filling a wheelbarrow
  2. Spellbook: Shackles (creates one pair of iron shackles around the target’s limbs of choice. This makes the attacks of most creatures impaired)
  3. Silver armband in the shape of a wyrm coiled on itself (200 gp)
  4. Metal shield, full of bruises from past battles (armor 1, 15 gp)

Elephant: each tusk is bulky and worth 50 gp

Elf (d6)

1-2. Charming perfume, people close enough to smell feel better disposed towards you than they normally would, lasts 24h, 3 uses left

3-4. Dribblegrass: aromatic herb that makes every plate delicious, small, 1 use

5-6. A belt decorated by emeralds (30k gp)


Lair, in a ceramic jar depicting monster faces on all sides, with a tight wooden lid:

  • 200 gp
  • 10 gold ingots (5 per slot and 10 gp each)
  • Relic: Wizard Robe (lessens the effect of spells that target you)
  • Scroll detailing the method to summon the demon BRA><IEL:
    1. Write BRA> on the palm of the right hand, <IEL on the palm of the left hand
    2. Join the hands in front of you to complete the name, summoning and controlling the demon (you can’t defend in this position: your hp equals 0 and you can’t hold objects)
    3. Clasp the hands to send the demon back to its realm

NOTE: if your hands get separated, as a result of getting hit for example (a WIL Save applies), the demon is free from the contract that binds him and can do what he wants in this realm

Demon BRA><IEL 1 armor, 12 hp, 14 STR, 5 DEX, spit fire (d6 to a target nearby, wound: d6 STR damage ongoing until extinguished) or sting (d6, wound: curse)

  • Sort of big red-furred ape with the head of a lion, a pair of wings, and a scorpion tail
  • Curse: Writhe (trigger warning: chronic pain). Takes 1 slot. Every time any character rolls a 13 for their Save, you get a fit of pain. You lose d6 WIL and drop to the ground unable to act for 1 round. 0 WIL = death.
  • Schemes to free himself from the contract that binds him

Gelatinous Cube:


Relic: a big tortoise shell that can be worn by a person (bulky, 2 armor, allows to withdraw limbs and head to nullify an attack as a reaction, but the shell loses one point of armor and is destroyed when it reaches 0)


Lair: a torn and bloody dress and a purse containing 100 gp. They belonged to a young woman called Bardina Cage. Her family is still waiting for her to come home after she ran away from home.


Bedroom in the castle:

Giant rug under the bed (100 gp, at least 4 people needed to transport)

500 gp in the top drawer of a giant chest of drawers. The other drawers are filled with giant clothes

Gnoll (d4)

1. Eyepatch (1 gp)

2. Sack with 100 gp

3. Prisoner, a young lady who was part of the escort to protect a mercantile expedition

4. Vial of truth serum (small, labelled, 1 use)


Individual (d6)

1-2. Quiver of barbed crossbow bolts (d6 damage, d10 vs unarmored targets) (5 gp)

3-4. Gnome hat (1 gp)

5-6. Sack with 100 gp

Lair: The chieftain wears a silver circlet worth 200 gp. His stone throne is also valuable (200 gp) but it takes at least 2 people to transport it.


Individual (d4):

  1. Poison dust (1 target in melee has to make a STR save or is unable to act. They can repeat the save every round. 1 use)
  2. A little sculpture made of small bones from various animals (1 gp to an art collector)
  3. A single sandal (worthless by itself)
  4. “Hat”: a coiled-up weasel, looks dead but it’s just sleeping


Hanged on the wall: a canvas painted with rough designs (bulky, worth 100 gp to an art collector)

In a barrel the king usually sits on:

  • 100 gp
  • Large amber piece with a dragonfly inside (500 gp)
  • Something from the elf treasure tables


The gorgon’s forked tongue can be given to an alchemist or wizard to produce an oil able to reverse petrification (the tongue produces 2 oils, the other one is payment). The person healed this way will gain the ability to turn to stone at will, as long as they stay still



  • Gold nuggets of various dimensions:
    • The biggest one is enormous, takes up 8 slots, and is worth 400 gp
    • The second biggest one takes 1 slot and is worth 50 gp
    • There’s a bunch of small ones that individually are worth less than 1gp but together can fill one slot and can fetch another 50 gp
  • A huge book on weird flora, unknown author (bulky, 100 gp). Details plants like:
    • Wallnuts: extremely sturdy and with a shell that allows to stack them neatly one on top of the other, find use in construction
    • Asparrogus: so pointy and tough it can be used as a missile
    • Electric Cherry: a tree that sends electric shocks to defend against harmful bugs and other threats
    • Dribblegrass (see elf), Dryad Trees, etc.
  • A scroll that details the process necessary to make an oil of reverse petrification from a basilisk’s eye or a gorgon's tongue. Alchemical tools are required, as well as other components like a budding plant, dust from the ruins of a castle, and spring water. The process takes a whole night and is completed at dawn.

lunedì 18 dicembre 2023

Monster treasure for Cairn! A-C

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure.

Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of treasure occupies one slot. Relics are invaluable.

Roll before the encounter happens, cause some of the treasure may be useful to the NPCs.

Acolyte (d6): 

1-2. A pearl rosary (small, 100 gp)

3-4. A reliquary with the finger, tooth, or nail of a saint (bulky, 100 gp)

4-6. Relic: Holy Rod (d6, 2 hands needed to strike, can smite an undead or demon once for d12 damage. This damage can't be regenerated. Recharge: foot pilgrimage to a certain temple and pray)


Individual (d6): 

1-2. A broken coral necklace (small, 100 gp)

3-4. A little statue carved out of bone, depicting the deity patron of thieves and brigands (small, 10 gp) 

5-6. Three smoke bombs (blinds for 1 round)


A bandits' lair has all of the following, but the location of the stash will be concealed:

  • Bejeweled knife, handle carved in the shape of the deity patron of thieves, with ruby eyes (5k gp)
  • A vial of “liquid death” (small, powerful poison, d20 STR damage when ingested, 1 use)
  • d20 coats of wolf fur (20 gp each)
  • d20 doses of “magic powder” (small, powder to inhale, restores WIL but may cause addiction, see below) (10 gp each)
  • Something from the acolyte treasure table (that the acolytes want back)
  • Stash of smoke bombs (d100)

Addiction (trigger warning: drug abuse, death): Roll a die every time you use the drug, step up the die each time d4->d6->d8, etc up to d12 and see the effect below

1-4. You don't suffer after-effects

5-7. Addicted. you're deprived if you don't use 1nce/day. A PC can get rid of this effect passing  STR save at the end of a whole session spent without using.

8+ Overdose: take the amount rolled as STR damage

WIL restoration works the opposite way. The die starts at d12 but lowers in size with each use, down to a d4



  • Petrified goose (bulky
  • Petrified dormouse
  • Petrified adventurer wearing gambeson (15 gp) and brandishing a partisan (bulky, 2d8, +1 armor in melee. Value 20 gp)
  • Additionally, the eyes of a basilisk can be given to an alchemist or wizard to produce an oil able to reverse petrification (each oil produces 1 oil, the other is for payment). The person healed this way will be able to turn to stone at will, as long as they stay still.


Lair: the skeletal hand of NPC Berry Tingleback, who has worn a hook since the bear ripped it off (worthless)


Group: instead of rolling for each individual, there’s a 4in6 chance that the group of berserkers is carrying 1 sack of gold coins (100 gp)


  • Chief’s necklace of animal bones and teeth (1 gp, symbol of strength)
  • Chief’s sword with inlaid silver runes (d8. Value 100 gp)
  • Three sacks of gold coins (300 gp)

Brigand (d4)

1-2. A magic chest that can contain 2 slots of objects, and can then become small, along with its contents, with a click of a button. It needs to be enlarged again to get something out of it. Protected by a lock with a key. Inside there are 200 gp. 

3-4. Small emerald (small, 500 gp)



  • A chest containing 300gp
  • A bottle of rice wine (100 gp)
  • A bracelet of sapphires that reflect the color of the sea, worn by the captain (small, 1k gp)
  • Captain’s tricorne hat and cloak (25 gp each)


Lair: 200 gp amassed in a large crack in the wall



  • An idol made of unfamiliar material, depicting a weird humanoid creature with large eyes (bulky, worth 500 gp to members of the Stargazers cult)
  • A bottle of cherry wine (50 gp)
  • An elaborate doublet (50 gp)

Carcass Crawler:

Lair, hidden among the remains of various adventurers (roll for each turn spent searching, reroll duplicates): 

1. 100 gp

2. 100 gp

3. Purse containing a topaz of excellent quality (5k gp)

4. Spellbook: obfuscation (changes your appearance or that of a person/object you touch, thanks to an illusion)

Cat, big (lions, tigers, etc): a couple of arrows stuck on its side

Centaur (d10) 

1-2. “Horse pants”, leather cylinders that are tied around the legs to protect them, sometimes decorated with fringes, embroidery, etc (1 gp per pair)

3-4. A torch (1 gp) 

5-6. Deer livestock (2d10 individuals, value 10 gp each dead or alive) 

7-8.  “Gardener worm” in a jar (when it burrows under any plant, this one thrives and suddenly grows to impossible sizes)

9-10. Comfortable horseshoes they can slip in and out of. Helps them jump and run on difficult terrain (value 20 gp per set of four)



  • Himation/toga, decorated with golden thread (20 gp)
  • Two sacks of gold coins (200gp)
  • Bronze muscle cuirass (2 armor, bulky, 40 gp)
  • Bronze sacrificial tripod (bulky, 25 gp)



  • Book written in a forgotten language, with crude illustrations of reptiles, mundane and fantastical (300 gp)
  • Two sacks of gold coins (200 gp)


Large sack with: 

  • 500 gp
  • Large black pearl (small, 1k gp)
  • Spellbook: Control Weather (cyclops can't read though)
  • Small potion bottle with a label that depicts a crab: whoever drinks vomits forth a swarm of crabs that obey 1 command. They then disappear into the closest water pool. They can’t do relevant damage but can impede an opponent if required

venerdì 10 novembre 2023

A lich for Cairn

An experiment with mechanics. Looks really powerful, a final villain of some sort. I can't imagine anything less of a warband going against this thing.

It uses glog magic mechanics. If you don't know what that is, basically roll 1-3 d6. When the effects mention [dice], it means the number of dice spent. When they mention [sum] it means the total of the values rolled. Check out the mechanics here. This lich works a little differently though, see below.

Lich 3 hp, 6 STR, 6 DEX, 16 WIL

A lich has 16 WIL, one spell slot, and one magic die per point of WIL. They can only use the highest slot available. To use the spells, they have to spend WIL points to gain the magic dice necessary (max 3). A lich's magic dice never return to the pool until they perform a ritual. They don't suffer dooms or mishaps. At WIL 0 they don't go mad but they're exhausted and unable to act.

Example: The lich is left with 14 WIL. They can either use Fireball or hold the slot to use Counterspell. They use Fireball and spend 3 magic dice. They lose 3 points of WIL. Next turn they're gonna have one of the spells in the 11th slot available: Animate Dead or Counterspell

1. Dimension Door (costs 1 WIL) or Ray of Frost

2. Disintegrate or Globe of Invulnerability

3. Animate Dead or Counterspell

4. Animate Dead or Counterspell

5. Dimension Door (costs 1 WIL) or Ray of Frost

6. Fireball or Counterspell

7. Fireball or Counterspell

8. Disintegrate or Globe of Invulnerability

9. Dimension Door (costs 1 WIL) or Ray of Frost

10. Mirror Image or Acid Arrow

11. Animate Dead or Counterspell

12. Mirror Image or Acid Arrow

13. Disintegrate or Globe of Invulnerability

14. Fireball or Counterspell

15. Mirror Image or Acid Arrow

16. Mirror Image or Acid Arrow

Acid Arrow: Hits [dice] random body or hand slots, DEX save to avoid. If there's an object in the slot, it's destroyed. If the slot is empty, it's filled with acid that causes d6 STR damage per slot this round and at the end of every subsequent round until washed (only count the highest die if rolling multiple)

Animate Dead: Raise [dice] dead bodies under your control. Armor as worn, d6 hp, 6 DEX, 0 WIL, damage as weapon

Counterspell: Reaction. Negate the effect of a spell if the caster's WIL is lower than [sum]. You may also choose to reflect it back on the caster

Dimension Door (costs 1 WIL): Materializes a portal out of thin air that teleports you to a tethered location. An opponent has to DEX save to act before it closes.

Disintegrate: A ray that hits for [sum] damage. A creature that receives STR damage from this spell disintegrates instantly.

Fireball: [sum] damage blast

Globe of Invulnerability: A globe shields you from any attack or spell for [dice] rounds.

Mirror Image: Create [dice] illusory copies of yourself. If they're attacked, they're instantly destroyed

Ray of Frost: d8 damage. If STR damage is taken the opponent is slowed for [dice] round. Slowed characters can only take one action per round (either move OR attack, or any other action) and always fail DEX saves.

Let me know your thoughts.

Monster Treasure for Cairn! V-W

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure. Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of t...