venerdì 29 dicembre 2023

Monster treasure for Cairn! N-P

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure.

Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of treasure occupies one slot. Relics and other powerful items are invaluable.

Roll before the encounter happens, cause some of the treasure may be useful to the NPCs. 


1-2. Bracelet of eagle talons (50 gp)

3-4. Cape made with feathers of some turkey-like bird considered extinct (2k gp)

5-6. Relic: Dreamcatcher. 50% chance every night that it catches a wandering spell. You can tell when it caught one but you won’t know which one until you cast it (roll d100 on the spellbook table the moment it’s cast). It can only hold one spell at a time.

7-8. Wooden bowl containing pigment for cave painting (3gp)

9-10. Large piece of amber (small, 500 gp)

Nixie (d4)

  1. Large crystal goblet, crafted through magic to create incredible shapes (300 gp)
  2. Small green waterproof jerkin (5 gp) 
  3. 200 gp
  4. Small turquoise (small, 1 gp)


Count Exubery (cuirass armor 2, 11 hp, 7 STR, 13 DEX, 13 CHA, crystal rapier d10) is a master of using the rapier. Every time he’s impressed by an adventure or love story involving the narrator, he will offer to teach one of his techniques. Obviously, a rapier is necessary: a rapier takes 1 slot, deals d8 damage, and costs 20 gp

Exubery uses a legendary Crystal Rapier (d10 damage, but it breaks if you take STR damage from an attack, or if you roll a 1 for your attack)

Rapier techniques (take Fatigue each time you use one)

  • Feint: roll your attack a second time and consider the highest die.
  • Deflect: negate the damage from a single die if you roll higher with your rapier's die (if multiple dice are rolled and you negated the highest, consider the 2nd highest for damage)
  • Flurry: damage is BLAST



  • Couch (needs 2 people to transport, 200 gp) and four cushions (25 gp each) all covered by a rich fabric
    • Inside each cushion, there are 100 gp
  • Carved wooden cabinet (6 slots, 100 gp), Contains…
    • Illustrated book, a collection of fables in the nomads’ language. The illustrations animate magically when it’s read aloud.
    • Small wooden lacquered box with golden details (50 gp)
      • Inside, three leaves of Soporiphic Tea: A cup containing one leaf of this tea will make you feel extremely relaxed. Two leaves will cause a deep sleep for a few hours. Three leaves will induce a catatonic state, indistinguishable from death, for 24h



Large sack with 400 gp

Scattered through the lair:

  • 1.5k gp
  • Some broken stone idol of a waistcloth-wearing, bipedal creature with claws. The head is missing (bulky, 50 gp)
  • Huge club (bulky, d8 damage, stun an opponent for a round on a roll of 7+) 
  • A large bronze brooch depicting a rose, looks ancient (1k gp)
  • A bit of Gelid Mint grows here, surrounded by cold air and snow regardless of the season. If you eat it, for a few hours you gain the ability to freeze a nearby target with your breath. A creature takes d6 DEX damage from the attack and is frozen at 0 DEX. Restores d6 DEX when exposed to strong heat.


Individual (d6)

1-2. Iron ring (small, 50 gp)

3-4. Eye-patch (1 gp)

5-6. Monstrous iron mask (50 gp)


  • Wheel of stinky cheese (bulky, 6 gp, smell attracts attention)
  • Jar of live snails (orcs like to eat them with the whole shell as a snack, 2 gp)
  • Sack with various types of nuts (bulky, 6 gp)
  • Crunchy crackers (1 meal, 1 slot, 2 gp)
  • Some black, three-pointed Cerberus Chili (small, 3 uses, CHA save to resist if eaten, 9 gp)



  • Fluorescent mushroom, still goes for a few hours after being plucked. If eaten, it still emits light from your belly (small)
  • Food pellet: owlbears’ are as big as a basketball. Human bones can be noticed from the outside. If opened, are found:
    • 10 gp
    • Golden pin depicting a stylized eye - the symbol represents the cult of the Third Eye, who worship the Mind Gorgers and consume the Pychoboosting Drugs. If you wear it, you might be mistaken for a fellow member (small, 200 gp)

Pirate: same as a buccaneer, why are there even 2 types

Pixie (d4)

  1. Scroll of Hex: target fails all Saving Throws
  2. Pot with mandrake plant, (bulky, labeled: mandrake, don’t pluck). When plucked, starts crying and screaming, causing d6 STR damage BLAST to anyone who hears it. Covering your ears prevents this, and the mandrake stops once it’s put in the pot again
  3. Potion of Colorful Hair: the color of your hair changes with every sip. d8: 1 Red, 2 Orange,  3 Yellow, 4 Green, 5 Light blue,  6 Blue, 7 Purple, 8 Pink. Three sips available, then the color is permanent.
  4. Small moonstone (small, 50 gp)

Purple Worm


  • 200 gp
  • Barrel of stout beer (bulky, 100 gp)
  • Lacquered box (25 gp) containing a silver diadem (100 gp)

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Monster Treasure for Cairn! V-W

There’s a 1in6 chance for each individual in an encountered group to carry a piece of treasure. Unless indicated otherwise, each piece of t...