giovedì 21 ottobre 2021

Monster Association Cadres for Electric Bastionland

 I find many similarities between Electric Bastionland and One Punch Man

- The dorky characters and light tone that can turn dark in seconds

- The sprawling dungeon under the city

- Monsters are made, not born

So here's the Monster Association Cadres for Electric Bastionland (spoilers I guess). I'm not sure thay could actually work in a game, they are more suited for a superheroic game, but let me know if you use any. Nyan and Fuhrer Ugly's ability would make for interesting enemies I believe.

Homeless Emperor hp 3, STR 5, CHA 16, flying light orbs d12 BLAST

- attacks with balls of light that cause massive explosions

- ex-employee who was taken  advantage of and then fired, says his powers were bestowed from God

- can use his balls of light to completely negate attacks against him

Black Sperm: hp 16, DEX 15, CHA 16, d6 punch (d8 BLAST when merged)

- cutting weapons are ineffective, Black Sperm will simply divide into more copies

- the number of copies he can generate is effectively unlimited

- when merged gains armor 2

Gums: armor 2, hp 16 DEX 15, bite d10

- an insatiable hunger

-  a bottomless stomach

-  a bite that can crush heavy machinery

Evil natural water. (no stats, it's literally water) hydro-cannon d10 to multiple targets

- living water that reacts to negative emotions like fear and hostility, 

- can increase its volume absorbing water

- in its body are found 1d6 barracuda-like monsters with razor-sharp teeth (3 hp, bite d6)

Fuhrer Ugly armor 1, hp 8, STR 14, DEX 18, CHA 17, face-caving punch d8 (CRITICAL: target's face is a mess, facial features are all mixed up )

-a man who got made fun of for being ugly, his seething anger turned him into a monster

- other than a strong body, he has a keen mind capable of reading the opponent

- uses combat dialogue to deal psychological damage to opponent: on a failed CHA save, target's attacks are impaired, and Fuhrer Ugly's attack gain +d10

Overgrown rover: armor 2, hp 13, DEX 17, explosive breath d20 BLAST

- appearance and beahviour of a giant dog

- submits to more powerful beings

- agile and has an inexhaustible explosive breath

Monster King Orochi: armor 3, hp 15, STR 14, DEX 14, CHA 16, piercing tentacle-horns d20 BLAST

- gigantic being, king of all monsters

- used to be a human that got manipulated by Gyoro-gyoro to become a monster

- can produce monster cells that turn creatures into monsters if eaten. 1in6 chances of dying 

Nyan: armor 1, hp 12, DEX 16, scratch d8

- a cat turned into monster by having his owner's love forced upon him everyday

- likes to play with his prey like toys

- can slip through every crak and fit into every space no matter how small

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